Employment Services Program

The Employment Services Program offers services to women who have been, are at risk of, or are currently in contact with the legal system. Women accessing employment services face a variety of barriers such as poverty, mental health issues, addiction issues, child welfare issues and child care concerns, criminal records, isolation, illiteracy, lack of education and training, and discrimination.

Working with each woman's unique situation and goals in collaboration with other community agencies, the "Work 4 Women" Employment Program seeks to reduce these barriers by:

  • Identifying individual barriers, and personal strengths and goals

  • Developing a collaborative, personal and achievable action plan

  • Offering one-to-one resume development, life skills counselling sessions, and providing access to job readiness workshops

  • Providing job search tools and resources on how to access online job banks, and accessing free computers, Internet, telephones, etc.

  • Advocating for women on issues related to Labour Standards and Human Rights

  • Referring women to training programs, educational institutions, and other community resources to address basic living needs

  • Assisting women to access employment opportunities and appropriate interview and work clothing


“I am so happy. Thank you for empowering me and for supporting me and helping me find my voice! I give EFry so much credit. I couldn't have done it without you!” 
-2019 Participant

For more information please contact:

Employment Services Coordinator - Edmonton
Natashia Tremblay 
E-Mail: Natashia.Tremblay@efrynorthernalberta.com

Employment Services Coordinator – Fort McMurray
Ishita Zaman
E-Mail: Ishita.Zaman@efrynorthernalberta.com

Employment Services Coordinator – Red Deer
Lindsay Gibbons 
E-Mail: Lindsay.Gibbons@efrynorthernalberta.com