Seasons’ Greetings to Our Supporters

I wish I could send you a note celebrating our successes and achievements in 2020 because there have been many extraordinary things to celebrate this year (Hello! We are now the Elizabeth Fry Society of Northern Alberta!) However, if you’ve been following us on social media, you likely are aware that we are facing dire and critical funding cuts. As we end the year, much of our funding is either uncertain, precarious, or in the process of being terminated. I waited a bit to send out this message as I was hoping to have a more robust understanding of what we can expect in the new year; I still don’t have full clarity, but I want to circulate this notification without further delay. We are working very hard to access resources available to us so that we can plan for a future where we can continue our work in communities, courts, and prisons. But in the meantime, I need to inform you of what we are facing right now:

1.       Our Anger Management and Addictions Programming contracts have been cut by Alberta Justice Solicitor General, effective December 31, 2020. We are told these programs will be offered through an institution instead, but I don’t have yet information that I can share with you.

2.       Our Court Program funding in Fort McMurray will be cut effective December 31, 2020 by the Alberta Law Foundation, as well as our 2 Satellite Court Assistance Programs. 

3.       Alberta Law Foundation will also be cutting all of the rest of our funding to our court programs for adult and youth in Edmonton, Stony Plain, Morinville, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Ponoka, Camrose, Wetaskiwin, and Red Deer in 2021. 

4.       In addition, funding for our Legal Clinic Program for federally sentenced women and our Court Assistance for Female Youth mentorship program will be cut by Alberta Law Foundation in 2021.

5.       On top of it all, we have heard that other critical funders are also facing uncertain futures; we anticipate critical funding reductions and cuts to most of our programs and services. The landscape of our programs, and quite frankly the sustainability of our organization, is going to look vastly different in the weeks, months, and year ahead.  As I mentioned, we are working tirelessly to ensure we can continue to serve some of the most vulnerable, marginalized, criminalized and victimized folks in our communities.  You may well know that our organization started in the courts. Our court services have expanded to 10 communities across Northern Alberta with request for support in other locations growing every year.  Our court work and the support we offer to all persons appearing in court is critical to our mission and mandate.  We cannot fathom how these vulnerable folks will manage in courts without our presence, supporting them with resources, referrals, and non-judgmental care. We address critical access to justice issues for thousands of individuals every month, even amidst this pandemic. 

If you can spare a few minutes to talk about ways that you can support us and our vital programs, please contact me at

I wish you a rest and renewal this holiday season, and I think you immeasurably for your ongoing support of our work and mission.  Please follow us on social media for further updates.

Warm wishes,

Toni Sinclair (she/her)
Executive Director


Re: Funding Cuts - Post 1