Giving Tuesday

Dear Friends;

Today is #GivingTuesday, an important day where we as citizens give to charitable and non-profit organizations that we support and believe in. We know that you have likely received many asks and pleas for your support, but we think it’s important that we all remember those who are often forgotten about in this conversation of giving: criminalized and imprisoned women and gender-diverse folks.

Our work often flies under the radar; our work involves trauma, pain, harm, and countless barriers for the clients we serve. And yet, as we have begun to return to prisons (after a long COVID19 hiatus), we are reminded again how important and valuable it is for us to connect with prisoners in a real and humane way. Unless something tragic happens, each one of our prisoners will be returning to the community and we want them to be surrounded in kindness, compassion and all the support they need to reach their goals, having meaningful relationships with their kids and families, and have the same opportunities afforded to you and I. But this work takes tireless dedication and a lifelong commitment on their part, on our part, and also from you, our supporters.

Our work in the community has also become vitally important as we address needs of our clients, including basic human needs like food and shelter, and in doing so, we alter their trajectory toward (further) criminalization. Remember how much tax payers’ money we save by going farther upstream and not relying on our prisons to “fix” ongoing and systemic barriers and gaps in the community. Contributing to community-based supports and interventions is always a sound fiscal investment, but for us it’s also about humanity, compassion, empathy and kindness.

Our work changes lives; our work contributes to safe and more compassionate communities for everyone.

As you consider your charitable giving, please read through some of the stories below, as shared by our team members. Your donations will directly support these programs and services and will help us cultivate hope for all those we serve. You can donate using the link below.

All My Relations,


Stories shared by members of our EFNA Team:

I have been working very closely with a high risk youth. This youth is hard to reach, hard to get her to bring her walls down. A couple days ago she messaged me saying that she appreciates everything that I am doing for her. It's a simple message but it really felt like a win, especially because she is not one to communicate her emotions a lot. I am attending court with her in December and we are slowly developing a connection that she otherwise lacks in her life. (Avnit)

I assisted one of our Work4Women program participants with her Income Support. She contacted me again asking for help and sounding quite desperate. Her power bill had gone unpaid for a while and Alberta Works denied her request for payment of the bill. We called and spoke with a supervisor at Alberta Works and got her approved today!!!!!!! Her power was to be cut off on Monday so this is a HUGE win for her. She is now also signed up for our ME and Money Program! (Kit)

One afternoon, I delivered several food bags to a family. They took 2 bags of dry food from me and were just about to head back their home saying "thank you so much!”; I told them to wait for a moment and passed them 3 more bags of perishables. They smiled with so much appreciation and said happily and excitedly, " it seems endless!". In this moment, I was so touched that we can help clients with their basic needs. (Shan)

Yesterday I received a lot of gratitude from a woman who has spent years in the system just by giving her Bridging New Journeys package, a guide to getting her ID, and a provincial directory for treatment. All it takes is some kindness and support! (Tea)

Today during our Boutique, we had a mother come in when I was working the floor, she talked about how her husband was laid off and she could not work because of disabilities - so they truly had no money. She was so thankful the entire time and emotional that she was able to pick out a bunch of toys for her kids, and even sanitary items and socks, she lit up the entire time telling stories about her kids and each gift she picked. It was really rewarding and I loved being a part of that magic. (Milica)

I have been working with a long term client for 11 years now. Her young life has consisted of horrific abuse, neglect, drugs, alcohol, sexual exploitation to survive since the tender age of 5 years old. This horrible lifestyle resulted in a federal prison sentence. Her sentence is now over and for the first time ever she has her own place. After a conversation this week with her, she texted me and said "Hey, I think I'm starting to get good at this adulting thing LOL." It literally brought tears to my eyes, she holds a special place in my heart. (Berna)

Where will your money go?

Directly where it’s needed the most! For example:

  • A $20 donation: supports 5 Hygiene kits for our Outreach Fridays

  • $30: provides healthy snacks for an entire youth workshop series

  • $50 9 food hampers for a family of 4

  • $100: craft kits for 10 participants building their skills and peer connections

  • $120: 20 sets of socks and underwear

  • $200: Move in supplies for 5 Housing Clients

The Elizabeth Fry Society of Northern Alberta advances the dignity and worth of women, girls, two-spirit and non-binary individuals who are criminalized and those who are considered at risk.

Contact: Toni Sinclair, Executive Director


EFry Q1 Newsletter


November Newsletter: Holiday Season, Outreach Friday Updates